Slow Hexagon Quilt

I am taking a little break from embroidery at the moment, but that doesn’t mean my hands are idle. I just can’t sit and watch TV without working on something with my hands. Just can’t do it.

So I have pulled out my Denyse Schmidt fabric hexie quilt project. It is a veeeeeery slow project.

I started it in late August 2013 and the end is nowhere in sight. I can’t even see the middle of the project, that’s how slow it is. :-)

My initial plan was to make hexie ‘flowers’ all in one colour with another colour in the centre. I did kinda start that, but then decided that I’m just going to make it completely random. Which also helps with adding new DS designs.

I actually don’t mind that the project is so slow. It’s nice to know that I have an old ‘friend’ I can pull out when I don’t have anything else I’m working on. And atleast now I have started sewing the hexagons together.

Do you have any long term projects like this?



  1. November 27, 2017 / 10:45 am

    I started my hexie traveller on a trip to Sweden and Finland in 2009. I pick it up in between other projects, and whenever I travel. Its about a quarter done (of queen size). I use charm packs of whatever takes my fancy and add in scraps from my other sewing projects, so its also a record of my projects.

  2. November 27, 2017 / 6:34 pm

    Yes, I do have a Grandmother's quilt in progress – it's my "Forever Project" – a name I picked up online somewhere! Your's is lovely and colorful! Just cheerful and happy!

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