When I walked Blake yesterday morning, I took a bunch of pictures of flowers. Only later did I realise that the camera on my mobile was on the Portrait setting. The result was some interesting in/out of focus pictures. I like them. :-)
I hope you have a good weekend. x Carina

There are so many poppies in the verge along the road where I often walk Blake. They are so beautiful. And the daisies are such cheerful flowers.

Spot the bee! I think it was drunk on pollen. It got the rim of the petal and then it tumbled down into the flower. Silly bee. :-)

I really like white campion. Pink campion too, but there seem to be more of the white variety around.

Delicate elder flowers.

I really like portrait setting! I’ve found it really makes my focus object pop!
Yes, it definitely has an interesting effect. I think I’m going to play around with it. On purpose! :-D