A present I made for one of my friends in Denmark. She likes purple, I’m not so keen on it. But guess what! I actually really enjoyed making this and I have since added a couple more purple prints to my limited purple stash. :-)
The base is a, deliberately, very wonky log cabin block. I love wonky log cabins. It was actually a wonky shape to start with as well, but in the end I decided that a more regular shape was better. Both for what I wanted to make and for someone to hang on the wall.

I quilted the patchwork onto a piece of batting, roughly following the shape of the log cabin and the shape of the block. I really like how that turned out. It adds a lot of texture. Wonky texture. I like it. :-)

Since the background is so busy, I decided it was best to keep the flower really simple. Just a bit of stitching on top and around the flower.
I think there may be more purple in my future… :-)