This cushion cover is a present I made for one of my friends in Denmark. She was born in Lebanon but spent a good chunk of her childhood and her teenage years in Denmark. We met when we went to ‘college’ together. We sadly lost contact for about 15 years because she moved to Lebanon (it wasn’t always easy to keep in touch with letters; and the Internet wasn’t that widespread in Lebanon back then) and then I moved to England and we were never in Denmark at the same time.
But a few years ago she moved back to Denmark and I’ve been meaning to make something for her, a little house warming gift if you like. Although a little belated! :-)
So I made this cushion cover. It says ‘hjem sweet albayt’. Hjem is Danish for home and albayt is Arabic for home.

When I used to visit my friend, back in the day, I remember how she and her sister would speak with each other in a happy mix of Arabic, Danish and English and I thought that would be a fun thing to use in my design for this cushion cover. :-)
I am so happy with how it turned out. I wasn’t 100% sure that I had got the Arabic lettering right. It’s not easy to manipulate the letterforms when you only know two or three of the letters! But I think I got away with it.
My friend liked it and she didn’t laugh at the poor lettering so I think it was ok! :-)