Friday Links :: Woodblock Bowie, Calendar, Tshirts

I was trying to take a picture of the glorious lavender in our front garden. But Blake just had to get in the picture. It’s like he has a sixth sense for when I’m taking pictures. Of course, when I’m actually trying to take a picture of him, he’ll look the other way. :-D

A Disgruntled Federal Employee’s 1980s Desk Calendar. {Via Austin Kleon’s newsletter.}

Tshirts with translations of what British people actually mean. :-D

A Project to Immortalize David Bowie in Traditional Woodblock Prints.

GeoGuessr. A game to see if you can guess a random place on the planet. I spent way more time trying this than I want to admit. ;-) {via SwissMiss}

The sketchbook pages by Julia Yellow are inspiring.

Mollie Makes has a list of 30 hashtags to use on Instagram if you love sewing.

I love a painting process post.

Some books related tweets. Support the books/authors you love!

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I cannot tell you the strength of word-of-mouth. It is vast. You have power.

— Victoria/V.E. Schwab (@veschwab) June 5, 2018

And this:

why pre-order, you ask? here’s why. #pubtip

thank you @thebestjasmine for this fantastic write-up and for being wonderful and also have you subscribed to her excellent newsletter yet?

— Saba Sulaiman (@agentsaba) June 4, 2018


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