Mandalas to Embroider :: My New Book!

This is the cover of my new book, Mandalas to Embroider! I love that cover, isn’t it pretty? The inside of the book is really gorgeous too thanks to the beautiful photography by Stacy Grant.

When I first saw the almost-done book PDF, I had tears in my eyes, it is so pretty! I am so excited for people to get it in their hands. And to hold it in my own hands! But that won’t be until November…

You can pre-order the book from my shop and I’ll sign it for you of course. Aaaand, if you pre-order it from my shop, you will get some extra surprises which are quite cute if I do say so myself. ;-)

The book has 24 (actually 25, one is kind of secret) mandala inspired embroidery transfers and of course stitch and colour suggestions for my versions of the patterns. There are 12 large patterns, they fit in a 6″ hoop. And 12 small patterns which fit in a 2″ Dandelyne mini hoop. It was a bit of a challenge to design small patterns like that, but I am really happy with how they turned out.

The small mandalas are quick to stitch of course, and they are perfect for adding a little embellishment to a tshirt or a pair of canvas shoes or a pocket. I had so much fun imagining how people will use those wee mandalas!

Pre-order Mandalas to Embroider from my shop to get a signed copy and some surprise goodies:

UK/EU customers.
Non-UK/EU customers.

Books will be shipped as soon as I have them, it should be by mid November.



  1. July 25, 2017 / 7:23 pm

    These are beautiful!

  2. July 26, 2017 / 12:45 pm

    HIP HIP HOORAYYY!!!!! Awesome! And now I have something to put on my Christmas list! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!! :)

  3. August 8, 2017 / 10:34 pm

    The paisley one is awesome!

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