Happy Anniversary, Stitched Blooms

How time flies! In October it was a year ago that my first book, Stitched Blooms* was published. It seems slightly unreal that it has been over a year already.

If you’re new-ish around here.. Stitched Blooms is my happy book full of floral inspired embroidery motifs. 300 of them in fact. Yeah, drawing all those motifs was a little crazy, I have to tell you. But I’m quite glad that there are so many, because that gives you sooo many options.

The book also have some projects, but really those are just suggestions for how you can use some of the motifs. I kinda hope that people ignore the projects and just do their own thing.

Here is one example of someone doing their very own thing. Pam from Gingerbread Snowflakes used the motifs from the Mexican Blouse to decorate a bunny she made from Abby Glassenberg’s book Stuffed Animals*.

Isn’t it awesome?! I love seeing what people use my motifs for – if you have made something, please do shoot me an email!

You can buy Stitched Blooms in book stores (if they don’t have it, ask them to order it!), on Amazon and other places on the interwebs. Aaand, you can buy Stitched Blooms directly from me and I’ll sign it for you. You even get a little drawing as well when you buy it from me. :-)

You can check out a couple of the projects from the book here and here.

* Amazon uk affiliate links, yo.


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