Friday Links :: Woodblock Print, Tree Library, Tea Cosies

Maybe you’ve seen the #amakershands on Instagram in the past week or so? It’s been fascinating and moving to see what people write about their hands. But it struck me that basically all of the 350ish (so far) posts are all of white hands. No hands of people of colour as far as I can tell. I wonder why that is…

Facebook’s ’10 Year Challenge’ Is Just a Harmless Meme─Right? Maybe it *is* just a bit of fun…but maybe it’s not.

Read this before you walk out on your creative dreams.

Recommended: Abstract: The Art of Design series on Netflix. Step inside the minds of the most innovative designers in a variety of disciplines and learn how design impacts every aspect of life.

Lots of films, books, art and more have entered into public domain.

Is it in the public domain?

Little Tree Library.

Ridiculous tea cosies: a thread.

Experience: I inhaled a pin into my lung. I often think about this article. If you hold pins or needles between your lips, I urge you to read it. I promise it will cure you of that dangerous habit!

We Try JOANN’s New Print-On-Demand Fabric Service, MyFabric.

Japanese Woodblock Print Search.


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