Have you heard of the #The100DayProject? It’s a 100 day commitment to yourself to do something creative every day (and sharing it on Instagram). I did it last year, sketching from my New York photos. I really enjoyed it and to my amazement made it all the way to day 100 without missing a single day!
I am doing it again this year, but a bit more low key than 100 drawings/sketches. This year I am combining my year long daily dot project with the 100 day project. For 100 days, starting April 7th, I am filling one half inch circle with satin stitch. I can find the time/energy to do that every day! It shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.
If you would like to do a 100 day project, but don’t know what to do (or don’t have hours to commit to it daily!) why not join me and do some satin stitch circles? Download the free template here. I am doing a grid layout as the one in the illustration above, but in the template I have also included two other layouts, a pentagon and a five pointed star.
I’ll post an update in a couple of weeks when the dots are starting to fill up. In the meantime feel free to tag me on Instagram (@carinacraftblog) so I can see your satin stitches. :-) xx