These days I am excitedly/nervously waiting for my advance copy of Thread Doodling to pop through the letterbox. It will be published next month, so I know my advance copy should show up very soon! It could arrive today! Or maybe tomorrow, who knows!
If you would also like to stalk your postie for the book (although not as excitedly/nervously as I am, I think!) you can pre-order a signed copy of Thread Doodling from my shop.
For this book I wanted to try something fun! Atleast I hope you will think it is fun! If you pre-order a copy of Thread Doodling, I will email you five extra patterns which will not be available anywhere else. You don’t even have to pre-order the book from me, you can pre-order from anywhere you like; Amazon (UK* – US), your local book shop or even directly from Search Press, the publisher of the book. (*Affiliate link)
And here’s the important bit: once you have pre-ordered the book, email me (not the publisher or anyone else) some kind of proof of purchase. Email me here: carina@carinascraftblog.com. If you pre-order the book from me, there’s no need to send me proof of purchase. :-)
I will send you those patterns the day after the book is published. The pub date I have from the publisher is July 6th, although Amazon UK has it as July 31st. But we’ll go with the publisher’s date, they should know! :-)
So, pre-order your copy of Thread Doodling and on July 7th I will email you the extra patterns.
If you have already pre-ordered the book, thank you SO MUCH! It means a lot to me. And when it is pre-ordered on Amazon it helps tell their algorithm gremlins that it’s a book they should recommend to other people. Which helps the book to be seen by people who didn’t know about it already. Who knows, it might even be a best seller?! Hopefully in the Embroidery category. Inexplicably, Mandalas to Embroider is currently the best seller in the Haikus category on Amazon UK and at #4 in Dry & Shade Gardens. I mean..what?! :-D

Just before Christmas I received the first proof of the book. That’s when the editor has put everything together in a document: photos, text, illustrations etc and it’s time to go through it all with a fine tooth comb. So I do know what the book will look like but holding the actual book in our hands is really quite something. :-)
Since I haven’t got a copy of the book yet, I thought I’d share a few snaps of the first proof print to give you a bit of an idea of what’s in the book.

With this book I really want to encourage fellow stitchers to just give things a go and especially to add their own stitches to the patterns in the book. As well as being mindful of the enjoyment of the simple act of stitching. I love the movement of needle and thread through fabric. So much that I even enjoy sewing on buttons.
I think the way I described the book, when I submitted the idea to the publisher, is that it is kind of like zentangle but with stitching. It doesn’t look much like the designs I would usually think of as zentangle but that’s the spirit behind it. If that makes sense? :-)

I hope I’ll be able to share some actual book pictures very soon (next week, fingers crossed!) and a video flipping through it. :-)