If you have been thinking “maybe I will buy a signed book from Carina” (maybe no one has been thinking that but anyway), now would be a good time to do it. Especially if you are in one of the EU countries because it is still a bit unclear what Brexshit will mean regarding selling/exporting to those countries.
From January 1st you may have to pay extra tax or the postage may become more expensive. I may have to stop selling to the EU countries altogether, at least for a while, because it will be too complicated for this one-person operation. ;-)
So, if you want a signed copy of one of my books, or one of my hand stitched pieces, please make sure to order them by December 10th. For UK and the EU destinations they should arrive by Christmas as well. Embroidery books are of course one of the finest gifts known to mankind. In my humble opinion obviously. :-D
The books in my shop:
There is also a single copy left of the Folk Art kit. This comes in a box which makes it bulky to send. But if you are happy to receive it without the box, it will be cheaper to post. If yo’d like to buy it without the bulky box, send me an email and I’ll sort out the cheaper postage for you.