At the end of last year I decided, completely on a whim, that I’d pick one album each month to listen to often. And always from start to finish, no skipping or shuffle! And two rules for my selections: the albums had to be from the 1970s, -80s or -90s and it had to be music I actually liked. :-)
I put all the albums together in a playlist on Spotify: Albums of 2020 (no points for excellent name!)
And here’s the list:
- Prince: 1999
- Simon & Garfunkel: Bridge over Trouble Water
- The Cure: Disintegration
- R.E.M.: Automatic for The People
- Depeche Mode: Violator
- Kashmir: Travelogue
- Tears for Fears: The Seeds of Love
- Dizzy Mizz Lizzy: Dizzy Mizz Lizzy
- Cyndi Lauper: She’s So Unusual
- The Beatles: Two of Us
- Tracy Chapman: Tracy Chapman
- Carole King: Tapestry
And an honourable mention because I listened to it A LOT in the last half of the year: the Folklore by Taylor Swift.
This has been a really interesting experiment! A combination of albums I kind of knew, didn’t know at all, old ‘friends’ and albums where I knew maybe one or two songs. I think I may do the same thing next year. Any album suggestions? :-)
No suggestions, but this is a great idea. I was just remembering back in the days when we had CDs, and listened to the whole album through over and over! I think we miss out on a lot of great songs these days. I will have to try this.
That is exactly what inspired me to do it! It was so great to find that album you’d been looking forward to and then take it home and play it from start to finish. And then play it again from the start! :-) I have found several new favourite songs from listening to those 12 albums this year. I’m looking forward to what I’ll discover next year. :-)
XTC – a toss-up between Skylarking or Oranges & Lemons.