Big this Month

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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Fake fireplace, friendly kitty

Fake fireplace, friendly kitty

Look at our temporary bedroom. Doesn’t it look cosy? Mattress on the floor. It wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t still moving stuff around in the house, making things super dusty. It feels kinda…

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So happy. So tired. So very very tired. :-)

So happy. So tired. So very very tired. :-)

Two weeks ago we drove through these gates for the very last time. Because we’ve accomplished our big dream, our big goal for 2013: to move from our one bedroom flat to a house. And…

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So happy. So tired. So very very tired. :-)

Two weeks ago we drove through these gates for the very last time. Because we’ve accomplished our big dream, our big goal for 2013: to move from our one bedroom flat to a house. And…

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It won’t make you rich….

It won’t make you rich….

A few weeks ago a couple of boxes were delivered to me. The projects for my book had come back to me! Excitement! It was a bit like opening presents when the boxes came because…

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Random things that are.. all together!

Random things that are.. all together!

When I was taking the photos for the Random things that are.. posts, I didn’t tidy each colour away when I was done with. No no, I just pushed the bits and bobs to one…

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Random things that are multi colour

Random things that are multi colour

Ah, multi colour! More than one colour at once – awesome! Considering how much I love colour, I’m actually surprised that I have so few things that are multi colour. Maybe there are more lurking…

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Random things that are yellow

Random things that are yellow

I don’t know what it is about yellow. It’s not my favourite colour but I do like it in small doses. It is a really happy, bright colour, but I just don’t tend to gravitate…

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Going to the Fat Quarterly Retreat!

Going to the Fat Quarterly Retreat!

Later this month I am going to the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London. This post is to introduce myself to the other retreat-goers – and anyone else who is new ’round here. So hi! Hello,…

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Random things that are red

Random things that are red

Red is not a favourite of mine. Which is reflected in this collection of red things: there aren’t a lot! :-) Although, I probably could have found a few other things if I’d looked more…

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