Big this Month

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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Spring brings my favourite colours

Spring brings my favourite colours

Yesterday I needed to go to the shops. I decided to take a detour past this blossom tree. Just in time too because it looked like the pink blossoms would be blown off very soon……

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Spring brings my favourite colours

Yesterday I needed to go to the shops. I decided to take a detour past this blossom tree. Just in time too because it looked like the pink blossoms would be blown off very soon……

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Maybroidery – a month of daily stitching – day 1

Maybroidery – a month of daily stitching – day 1

I’ve set myself a challenge! Every day in May I’m going to do a small finished embroidery. I often put off doing embroidery for me, just for fun because my ideas usually require more time/effort…

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Book review: Stitched in Scandinavia

Book review: Stitched in Scandinavia

Stitched in Scandinavia: 39 Contemporary Embroidery Projects by Karin HolmbergPublisher: A&C Black Visual ArtsISBN: 978-1408191941Published on May 23rd, 2013 There’s also a French version, Broderies nordiques, which will be published at the same time. I’ve…

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Book review: Stitched in Scandinavia

Stitched in Scandinavia: 39 Contemporary Embroidery Projects by Karin HolmbergPublisher: A&C Black Visual ArtsISBN: 978-1408191941Published on May 23rd, 2013 There’s also a French version, Broderies nordiques, which will be published at the same time. I’ve…

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Flowers and cake

Flowers and cake

Tony bought me flowers on Friday. Birthday daffodils! And tulips too. I think he knows I like flowers… :-) He made me special breakfast and baked a cake for me. I totally have the best…

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Flowers and cake

Tony bought me flowers on Friday. Birthday daffodils! And tulips too. I think he knows I like flowers… :-) He made me special breakfast and baked a cake for me. I totally have the best…

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My work is worth paying for (and so is yours)

My work is worth paying for (and so is yours)

This isn’t something I usually write about but.. And it may be a teensy bit controversial, but I feel like it’s a topic that needs more discussion out in the open.. And I’d love to…

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Crocodile stitch shawl

Crocodile stitch shawl

Look at that, I’m almost done with this shawl I’ve been crocheting for my mum! But I’m not quite there yet, because wouldn’t you know it – I’m about 15 centimetres from being done and…

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A day in Gent

A day in Gent

Let’s start with a photo from the drive to Gent. Such flatness. Such cloudness. :-) We didn’t have the best weather on our day trip to Gent, but it wasn’t too bad. So we’re going…

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A day in Gent
Interview and some other news

Interview and some other news

Eep! Look at that, it’s an interview with me on the Spanish DMC blog. With a rather large photo of me, yikes! It’s in Spanish (the interview, not the photo), which I don’t really understand…

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