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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Sneaky book colours..

Sneaky book colours..

I’m stitching, stitching, stitching… It’s taken over my life! And the coffee table and my desk and the sofa, sometimes even the floor. But not the dining table. Yet. ;-) I won’t lie, writing a…

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Sneaky book colours..

I’m stitching, stitching, stitching… It’s taken over my life! And the coffee table and my desk and the sofa, sometimes even the floor. But not the dining table. Yet. ;-) I won’t lie, writing a…

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What a bit of wallpaper can do…

What a bit of wallpaper can do…

We did a bit of decorating yesterday. And when I say ‘we’, I actually mean Tony and his dad. My role was more of a supervisory one. Also, I was working. ;-) The decals in…

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In London with Nicole

In London with Nicole

Last Friday I went to London to meet up with my &Stitches colleague Nicole – she was in town for the weekend and we couldn’t pass up this opportunity to meet face to face! We…

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In London with Nicole

Last Friday I went to London to meet up with my &Stitches colleague Nicole – she was in town for the weekend and we couldn’t pass up this opportunity to meet face to face! We…

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Winged tenants

Winged tenants

We’ve got some new tenants in the flat! Or rather, just outside the flat, on our balcony. Well, it’s little more than a ledge, so not really sure what to call it, but let’s go…

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Winged tenants

We’ve got some new tenants in the flat! Or rather, just outside the flat, on our balcony. Well, it’s little more than a ledge, so not really sure what to call it, but let’s go…

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Wales again…

Wales again…

Hi! We’ve been on holiday in Wales. Beautiful Wales! This time we went with my parents – they liked it too! More pictures soon – right now I’m going to enjoy the heatwave’ we’ve got…

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Thoughts on a 6th birthday and a give away

Thoughts on a 6th birthday and a give away

How time flies… Six years I’ve been writing this blog. Can it really be that long? I guess it can! When you’re doing something you enjoy, you scarcely notice time passing.. Because, you see, I…

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May Flowers embroidery pattern

May Flowers embroidery pattern

This is my latest pattern, it’s called May Flowers. It’s one of those patterns where I thought I had it all planned out, proper drawing before I started stitching and everything. But then… some parts…

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Have you backed up your blog recently?

Have you backed up your blog recently?

When was the last time you backed up your blog? In the past month? Six months ago? A year ago? Never? Every now and again I come across a blogger saying “oh no, something happened…

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