Big this Month

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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Stitchy experiment

Stitchy experiment

Sometimes I like my embroidery to be random.. no pattern, no real thought behind it. Just playing with colours and stitches. Because I make patterns, I think it is important to break away from the…

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So you may have heard that the volcano Eyjafjallajökull on Iceland is spewing ash into the air and it has travelled down here to England (et al.) According to the weather people it won’t* affect…

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Spoonflower swatches (part 1)

Spoonflower swatches (part 1)

Ok, finally getting round to showing you the rest of those Spoonflower swatches. Well here they are! Some of them, anyway; splitting them into two. Just because… Some of the prints look a bit faded…

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Tree of Love – new pattern

Tree of Love – new pattern

I am so happy to show you this, my new pattern: Tree of Love. It is of course a sibling of the Tree of Life pattern. I have been wanting to make a ‘sequel’ to…

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Nostalgia rules

Nostalgia rules

When we were last in Denmark, we visited this old shop. It is decorated much like in the olden days and they have loads of old bottles, packaging, toys, tins and loads more. The place…

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Family square

Family square

My parents have a crocheted blanket/bedspread which my Farmor (paternal grandma) made for them. She copied it from a blanket my mum had inherited from her Mormor (maternal grandma).There was no pattern, so Farmor simply…

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Can you believe the month is almost over? I mean, I know it’s a short one, but still! That’s one sixth of the year almost gone. Blimey! Hey look, I have done more sewing! All…

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We always get there in the long run(ner)

We always get there in the long run(ner)

Ages and ages ago, way back in June 2008, Jesse organised a fabric swatch swap and I was part of that. And, uh, on Monday I finally got round to making something with the swatches…

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