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Tutorial: Tassel Embroidery Stitch

Tutorial: Tassel Embroidery Stitch

Thistles will make an appearance in the last pattern in the Wheel of The Year project so I have made a tutorial for the stitch used for the thistles: tassel stitch. It is a fun…

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Tutorial: Tassel Embroidery Stitch

Thistles will make an appearance in the last pattern in the Wheel of The Year project so I have made a tutorial for the stitch used for the thistles: tassel stitch. It is a fun…

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Wheel of The Year to Mabon

Wheel of The Year to Mabon

Here is the Wheel of The Year embroidery so far. I am so so so happy with it. It has been an absolute delight to work on this during the year. There is just one…

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Friday Links: Tex Mex, Newsstands, Knitting Pattern

Friday Links: Tex Mex, Newsstands, Knitting Pattern

I had a window seat on our flight to Rome and I am so glad that I did. I got to look down at the Alps! Obviously, I know that the Alps are there, but…

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Magazine Fun!

Magazine Fun!

Is it too early to mention Christmas? Maybe? Although, if you are crafting for Christmas, now is probably a good time to get started! :-D A couple of my Christmas patterns are in the latest…

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Snapshots from Roma

Snapshots from Roma

Last week we came home from a lovely holiday in Rome. It was so wonderful to be back there. Last time was on our honeymoon 14 years ago! Here are just a few snapshots from…

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Snapshots from Roma

Last week we came home from a lovely holiday in Rome. It was so wonderful to be back there. Last time was on our honeymoon 14 years ago! Here are just a few snapshots from…

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Happy Autumn Equinox!

Happy Autumn Equinox!

It doesn’t seem like Midsummer was that long ago and here we are at the Autumn Equinox. I like the cooler weather of autumn but I’d like to keep the lighter evenings. At least there…

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Embroidery Pattern: Botanical Repeats

Embroidery Pattern: Botanical Repeats

Last week I found myself feeling completely exhausted. Tired, but unable to fall asleep until the wee hours. Unable to focus on whatever I was doing. So I stopped doing anything. No multi-tasking, no thinking…

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Embroidery Pattern: Botanical Repeats

Last week I found myself feeling completely exhausted. Tired, but unable to fall asleep until the wee hours. Unable to focus on whatever I was doing. So I stopped doing anything. No multi-tasking, no thinking…

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Friday Links: Oak Crochet, Half Square Triangles, Sweary Embroidery

Friday Links: Oak Crochet, Half Square Triangles, Sweary Embroidery

Apparently my bags are a nice place for a dog nap? :-D I hope you have as relaxing time as Blake is here. :-) x Carina “Same Energy”—A Visual Search Engine. Try out Same Energy…

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