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Drawing in Rome

Drawing in Rome

These are drawings I made in Rome. Some are pretty terrible, but I’m uploading ALL of them, to show the complete picture, so to speak. Tony gave me a sketchbook for Christmas probably in 2006…

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Drawing in Rome

These are drawings I made in Rome. Some are pretty terrible, but I’m uploading ALL of them, to show the complete picture, so to speak. Tony gave me a sketchbook for Christmas probably in 2006…

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Spectrum Quilt

Spectrum Quilt

So, hey, this is the project which has occupied my time and mind a lot the past week. A baby quilt. Not for us, no no. Don’t you go gettin’ any silly ideas! The making…

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Spectrum Quilt
Turquoise sweet pea

Turquoise sweet pea

Doesn’t it just make my mum’s dress form look rather pretty? I made this shawl as a birthday present for my sister. I finished it when I was in Denmark at the end of August,…

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Turquoise sweet pea

Doesn’t it just make my mum’s dress form look rather pretty? I made this shawl as a birthday present for my sister. I finished it when I was in Denmark at the end of August,…

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My not Roman scarf

My not Roman scarf

You didn’t think I’d go anywhere (even on our honeymoon) without some kind of crafty project, did you? I took some yarn and some crochet hooks. This is NOT the result of my crocheting in…

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My not Roman scarf

You didn’t think I’d go anywhere (even on our honeymoon) without some kind of crafty project, did you? I took some yarn and some crochet hooks. This is NOT the result of my crocheting in…

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And the roses smelled really nice!

And the roses smelled really nice!

I’m really rather close to being sick of looking at pictures of us! Hopefully, hopefully, I’ll be done soon. Although, this is just phase one: selecting photos. Next I need to adjust them. As you…

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Very long post, with many, many pictures from Rome

Very long post, with many, many pictures from Rome

Right-o. This is the first batch of pictures from our honeymoon. These are just a small selection of the pictures I took from the sightseeing bus we went on through the historical centre. Some are…

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Very long post, with many, many pictures from Rome


I thought maybe you’d like to see a picture of our presents to each other..? Accompanied by my beautiful bouquet! I meant to post this before we went off to Rome, but then time kinda…

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Slowly does it

Slowly does it

I started this more than 2 weeks ago. I really didn’t mean for it to take this long to finish! But I guess it means I ended up doing it exactly how it says: slowly.…

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