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Style Hacking Blog Tour

Style Hacking Blog Tour

Today I have the pleasure of being part of a blog tour for a new clothes sewing book called Style Hacking. It is by Karoline Dahrling Hughes of the Skandimama blog. She is a crafter,…

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Style Hacking Blog Tour

Today I have the pleasure of being part of a blog tour for a new clothes sewing book called Style Hacking. It is by Karoline Dahrling Hughes of the Skandimama blog. She is a crafter,…

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Friday Links: London, Saag Aloo, Crochet

Friday Links: London, Saag Aloo, Crochet

A couple of sketches from Denmark. It was cold and windy so I didn’t manage as much sketching as I’d hoped. I’m glad I had prepared most of this post in advance because I had…

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Denmark Trip – Part Two

Denmark Trip – Part Two

Part One of my trip is here. I spent a few days visiting my parents who live just outside Århus, the second largest city in Denmark. I had to fly home from Copenhagen airport so…

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Denmark Trip – Part Two

Part One of my trip is here. I spent a few days visiting my parents who live just outside Århus, the second largest city in Denmark. I had to fly home from Copenhagen airport so…

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Denmark Trip – Part One

Denmark Trip – Part One

Last week I was in Denmark!! I arrived almost exactly 22 months since I was last there. It was SO good to be back. To see my parents and my friends and familiar buildings and…

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Denmark Trip – Part One

Last week I was in Denmark!! I arrived almost exactly 22 months since I was last there. It was SO good to be back. To see my parents and my friends and familiar buildings and…

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Last November Mandala

Last November Mandala

It’s time for the last pattern in the November Mandala Stitchalong. This month seems to have flown by! I have really enjoyed stitching all these patterns. It’s been nice to have something to work on…

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10% off Books!

10% off Books!

Give yourself, or someone else, the gift of embroidery! I have signed copies of my books available: Romantic Motifs, Mandalas to Embroider and Thread Doodling. The books are currently 10% off (no code necessary), as…

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November Three Finished

November Three Finished

The finished third mandala in the November stitchalong. As I mentioned the other day, it didn’t quite feel like ‘me’ in the black and white version of the pattern but the stitching has made it…

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Christmas Stitching

Christmas Stitching

Now we’re well into November now so it’s really time to think about Christmas stitching if that’s your sort of thing! :-) Over the years I have made several Christmas patterns. A few years in…

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Christmas Stitching
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