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    Summer Slow Stitching Project
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    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
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    Happy Beltane!
Friday Links: Starlings, French Knots, Somerset House

Friday Links: Starlings, French Knots, Somerset House

These trees are on the far side of the park are behind our house. We can see them from the back bedroom. I often sit there and stitch because it has the best natural daylight.…

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New Pattern: Spring Will Come

New Pattern: Spring Will Come

I saw these words somewhere…I can’t remember where. But it whispered to me “stitch me”. So I did. :-) And now you can too. The pattern is available in my Payhip shop and on Etsy.…

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Stitching Profanities

Stitching Profanities

I’m ready to stitch my sweet and sweary stitchalong pattern. I decided on the smaller design in the end, since I have a bunch of other patterns I’m itching to stitch and I only have…

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Free Pattern: Sweet And Sweary Stitchalong

Free Pattern: Sweet And Sweary Stitchalong

Time to get stitchy and sweary! :-D I hope you like the two patterns I put together. The one in the picture above includes several choice profanities. Change the words to suit your particular sweary…

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Free Pattern: Sweet And Sweary Stitchalong

Time to get stitchy and sweary! :-D I hope you like the two patterns I put together. The one in the picture above includes several choice profanities. Change the words to suit your particular sweary…

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Friday Links: Ravenmaster, Goat Towers, Mending

Friday Links: Ravenmaster, Goat Towers, Mending

I’m doing the #100DayProject again this year. Although I almost didn’t because it started much earlier than previous years so I almost missed it. This year I am drawing the ladies modelling clothes in Gudrun…

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Sweet And Sweary Stitchalong

Sweet And Sweary Stitchalong

After I posted the Too Sweet A Craft to Be Defiled post several people commented or messaged me saying they’d love to do a sweary stitchalong. Let’s do it! :-) I’ll design a pattern (or…

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Random Colours

Random Colours

I’ve been uploading files to Google Drive, recently. Basically backing up the whole computer. It is really boring. But it also gives me a chance to sort through some files. I don’t need duplicates of…

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Friday Links: Amigurumi, Gaelic Kung Fu Panda, Birds

Friday Links: Amigurumi, Gaelic Kung Fu Panda, Birds

Last spring I accidentally started a ‘series’ of flower photos on Twitter and called it #MorningWalkBlooms. I think I’m going to do it this year too. Just noticing and taking pictures of flowers I see…

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Friday Links: Amigurumi, Gaelic Kung Fu Panda, Birds

Last spring I accidentally started a ‘series’ of flower photos on Twitter and called it #MorningWalkBlooms. I think I’m going to do it this year too. Just noticing and taking pictures of flowers I see…

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