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  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
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    Happy Beltane!
Free Pattern for NHS Workers

Free Pattern for NHS Workers

I want to support the good people who work in the NHS but other than staying home and wearing a mask…I’m not sure what else I can do. Clapping for people doesn’t really help? Especially…

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Friday Links: Architecture, Neutrinos, Cross Stitch

Friday Links: Architecture, Neutrinos, Cross Stitch

“My” tree one morning just before sunrise. I can’t wait for when the sun comes up early in the morning. I love taking Blake for early morning walks in the spring when there is daylight…

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Free Pattern: Temperatures 2021

Free Pattern: Temperatures 2021

Another free pattern?! Yes! Although you are of course welcome to pay for it if you want if you’re feeling generous. :-) This is my daily-ish stitchy project for 2021: making a spider web rose…

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Free Pattern: Stay Home And Stitch

Free Pattern: Stay Home And Stitch

As we’re back in lock down here in England since the middle of this week, I drew this pattern to keep us occupied. And maybe re-enforce the message that we just gotta stay home. It’s…

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Friday Links: Cats, Bus Stops, Xylophone

Friday Links: Cats, Bus Stops, Xylophone

Happy new year! Is it a bit late since we’re a week into 2021? And speaking of late, my blog was very kindly mentioned in Mindful Crafting magazine before Christmas. Looks like a lovely magazine…

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Tidy Computer. Tidy Mind?

Tidy Computer. Tidy Mind?

This was my computer desktop about three weeks ago. It was SO cluttered! Despite my ‘system’ of categories. It never ever worked! :-D Of course the desktop was symptomatic of the rest of the computer.…

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2020 in Music

2020 in Music

At the end of last year I decided, completely on a whim, that I’d pick one album each month to listen to often. And always from start to finish, no skipping or shuffle! And two…

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Happy Yule!

Happy Yule!

Io Saturnalia to you and yours. I hope you have a happy holiday. Even if perhaps it is not under the circumstances you were expecting or with all the people you love. I must admit…

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