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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Manhattan Skyline Appliqué

Manhattan Skyline Appliqué

Another textile picture inspired by our New York trip. And not the last one, I’m sure! I have no concrete plans right now, but there are some ideas bubbling away… This is the Manhattan skyline…

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Manhattan Skyline Appliqué
Spruced Up Embroidered

Spruced Up Embroidered

A little while ago, Jenny of Papper, Sax, Sten asked me if I would embellish a quilt block with embroidery for her. Of course I would! I’m always up for trying something a bit different.…

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Spruced Up Embroidered

A little while ago, Jenny of Papper, Sax, Sten asked me if I would embellish a quilt block with embroidery for her. Of course I would! I’m always up for trying something a bit different.…

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Street Artist in Bushwick

Street Artist in Bushwick

Our trip to New York went by in a bit of a blur. We wanted to see as much as possible so we did maybe (probably) rush from place to place a bit too much.…

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New York Inspired Make

New York Inspired Make

An appliqué and machine embroidery picture I made from one of my New York photos. Can you tell what it is? In case you can’t, I’ll tell ya. It’s Times Square. Based on a blurry…

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Blogger to WordPress?

Blogger to WordPress?

For a long while I have been thinking about changing from Blogger to WordPress to run my blog. I even bookmarked some tutorials for doing just that, but now I can’t find them! WordPress would…

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Arrr! Mandalas Pirates!

Arrr! Mandalas Pirates!

I guess you know your book is popular if there are pirated PDF copies of it on Etsy..? This has started happening with the Japanese version of Mandalas to Embroider. Curiously, not with any of…

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Home Boarding for Blake

Home Boarding for Blake

Adding Blake to our lives has been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. He just brings so much joy into our lives. Some worries too, but they are far outweighed by the joys!…

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I Made A Book with My Sister

I Made A Book with My Sister

Last year, my sister was doing a course and at the end of the semester, she had to write a short story for kids and also do some kind of illustration for it. It just…

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I Made A Book with My Sister

Last year, my sister was doing a course and at the end of the semester, she had to write a short story for kids and also do some kind of illustration for it. It just…

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