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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Forest Bathing

Forest Bathing

This is where I walk Blake on most mornings. A pretty boring road next to a field. The other side of the road is probably pretty boring to other people too. But not to me.…

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Forest Bathing
Friday Links :: Hummus, Role Models, Cuckoo Clocks

Friday Links :: Hummus, Role Models, Cuckoo Clocks

I bought these succulents in Aldi a few weeks ago. I’m amazed that they’re still alive, I don’t have the best record with keeping plants alive. Although the cactus on the right is doing pretty…

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Friday Links :: Matisse Inspiration, Sketchbook, Color Puzzle

Friday Links :: Matisse Inspiration, Sketchbook, Color Puzzle

I really enjoy teaching beginner embroidery at The Village Haberdashery, so I am very happy that we’ve put together an advanced class! The first advanced class is on June 30th and we have another scheduled…

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Friday Links :: LEGO, Humpback Whale, Sketching

Friday Links :: LEGO, Humpback Whale, Sketching

Google has a fun little app called Storyboard. It transforms your videos into storyboard type images. After loading a video in the app, you can change the look of the storyboard by pulling down on…

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Whales Quilt Top Take Two

Whales Quilt Top Take Two

I tested the Whales quilt top from the Polar Bear Country ebook, juuust in case I made any errors in the pattern. The pattern was fine (it’s a fairly simple pattern after all) but I…

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Friday Links :: Succulents, Meringue, Tin Can Art

Friday Links :: Succulents, Meringue, Tin Can Art

This (English, I think) lavender in our front garden is so lovely. It makes me happy to walk past it, or see it from the window, because I planted that and it’s thriving. I know…

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New Pattern :: Spring Wreath

New Pattern :: Spring Wreath

I have a new pattern ready just in time for Mothers Day (in some countries – why isn’t it on the same day everywhere?) I got this together a bit later than I was planning,…

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Stitch Tutorial :: Buttonwheel Heart

Stitch Tutorial :: Buttonwheel Heart

This is a cute stitch, I like it way more than the buttonhole wheel itself. ;-) I think I first saw it in a post by a Japanese embroiderer on Instagram, but I can’t remember…

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