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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
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    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Friday Links :: Dye, Embroidery, Park Bench

Friday Links :: Dye, Embroidery, Park Bench

I taught at The Village Haberdashery on Tuesday and on my way home, I stopped to take a picture in the entrance to the stairs leading up to the shop. I love these cheerful colours,…

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A Perfect Green

A Perfect Green

An embroidery work in progress. It’s a much larger version of an embroidery I made many years ago. And sold way too cheaply. Lesson learned. ;-) I’m excited about doing a new version of it,…

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Books I Read in 2017

Books I Read in 2017

For a few years now, I’ve felt like I rarely did any reading. Which made me a little sad because I used to read a lot. I was the girl who would visit the local…

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Friday Links :: Toy Instrument Covers, Crochet, Quiche

Friday Links :: Toy Instrument Covers, Crochet, Quiche

I walk past this tree almost every day when I walk Blake. I enjoy watching it change through the seasons. :-) These crocheted illustrations by Tuija Heikkinen are delightful. {via SwissMiss} I love Gmail short…

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Customer Show and Tell :: Stitched Snowstorm

Customer Show and Tell :: Stitched Snowstorm

I know I have said it before and I will undoubtedly say it again (and again): one of the very best things about designing embroidery patterns is when people get in touch to show what…

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Finished Object :: Dinosaur Cushions

Finished Object :: Dinosaur Cushions

My niece and nephew are crazy about dinosaurs. When I visited last year, a particular dino book was read several times. For Christmas I wanted to give them something personal, but it had to be…

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Finished Object :: Dinosaur Cushions

My niece and nephew are crazy about dinosaurs. When I visited last year, a particular dino book was read several times. For Christmas I wanted to give them something personal, but it had to be…

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Finished Object :: Custom Cushion

Finished Object :: Custom Cushion

Last week it was Tony’s niece’s birthday. Because it is so close to Christmas, we always struggle a bit finding a present for her. Does she really need more sparkly pencils or cute erasers? Maybe…

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Friday Links :: Free Pattern, Emails for Trees, Origami

Friday Links :: Free Pattern, Emails for Trees, Origami

On Tuesday I was back at The Village Haberdashery teaching beginner embroidery. It really is one of my very favourite things to do. It makes me so so happy to see people learn this craft…

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