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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Crafts from The Past

Crafts from The Past

When we were getting our old flat ready to sell (almost five years ago!) a bunch of stuff was packed away in my inlaws’ loft. When we moved into our house, that stuff just went…

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Crafts from The Past

When we were getting our old flat ready to sell (almost five years ago!) a bunch of stuff was packed away in my inlaws’ loft. When we moved into our house, that stuff just went…

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Giveaway :: Mandalas to Embroider!

Giveaway :: Mandalas to Embroider!

Hello friends, it’s time for a giveaway of my new book! Yay! One winner will receive a copy of the book and the DMC threads you see in the photo. A shout out to DMC…

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Califonia :: Part Four

Califonia :: Part Four

This is the last post from my trip to California (part 1, part 2 and part 3) and the last full day of my visit with my sister and her family. My sister and I…

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Califonia :: Part Four

This is the last post from my trip to California (part 1, part 2 and part 3) and the last full day of my visit with my sister and her family. My sister and I…

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Relaxing with A Quilt in Progress

Relaxing with A Quilt in Progress

Yesterday was a cold and rainy day here. Blake and I got pretty soaked on our afternoon walk. I had plans to do various things in the studio or work on my computer. But it…

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Inspiration Wall

Inspiration Wall

This wall in my studio is pretty much the only one that is clear of furniture. It was my intention to keep it bare, with just the hooks for my embroidery hoops. That way I…

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Inspiration Wall
Califonia :: Part Three

Califonia :: Part Three

Way back in February, I visited my sister and her family in Califonia. I posted about parts of the trip already, here and here. Pictures from the last two (full) days have been sitting on…

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Califonia :: Part Three

Way back in February, I visited my sister and her family in Califonia. I posted about parts of the trip already, here and here. Pictures from the last two (full) days have been sitting on…

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Naming Embroidery Motifs

Naming Embroidery Motifs

This is a spread in Mandalas to Embroider. There are 12 large motifs and 12 small motifs. The small motifs are designed to fit in mini hoops from Dandelyne. It was quite a challenge to…

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Keeping A Logbook

Keeping A Logbook

Have you ever kept a diary? Yeah, me too. I never kept it up for long. Diaries seemed too personal… like every day you’d have to pour your heart out, sharing all your inner most…

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