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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
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    Summer Slow Stitching Project
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    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
California :: Part One

California :: Part One

I have finally started going through the photos from my California trip and I’m going to share some of them with you. I took a lot (!) of photos, so I’m going to split them…

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California :: Part One

I have finally started going through the photos from my California trip and I’m going to share some of them with you. I took a lot (!) of photos, so I’m going to split them…

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Liberty Challenge :: LMQG

Liberty Challenge :: LMQG

In the quilt guild, we have a challenge at the moment. We were each given a few pieces of Liberty lawn fabric at the start of the year to use in a quilt. There were…

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Liberty Challenge :: LMQG

In the quilt guild, we have a challenge at the moment. We were each given a few pieces of Liberty lawn fabric at the start of the year to use in a quilt. There were…

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Josef Frank Exhibition at Fashion and Textile Museum, London

Josef Frank Exhibition at Fashion and Textile Museum, London

As promised, here are some photos from the Josef Frank exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum in London. I am so glad I went to see this exhibition, I’ve had a reminder in my…

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Josef Frank Exhibition at Fashion and Textile Museum, London

As promised, here are some photos from the Josef Frank exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum in London. I am so glad I went to see this exhibition, I’ve had a reminder in my…

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London on A Sunny Sunday

London on A Sunny Sunday

On Sunday, I spent a lovely, sunny day in London. I went to the monthly meeting at the London Modern Quilt Guild. Well, it’s held monthly, but I haven’t been able to go since January,…

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London on A Sunny Sunday

On Sunday, I spent a lovely, sunny day in London. I went to the monthly meeting at the London Modern Quilt Guild. Well, it’s held monthly, but I haven’t been able to go since January,…

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I am not a bargaining chip

I am not a bargaining chip

I have written a version of this countless times in my head in the past nine months. On the train. When I’m walking Blake. Or doing the dishes. But usually, it is during many, many…

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Throwback Thursday :: One Month Ago

Throwback Thursday :: One Month Ago

This time one month ago, I was high up in the air, somewhere over Canada I think, on my way to visit my sister in California. It seems kinda crazy that it’s already that long…

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Throwback Thursday :: One Month Ago

This time one month ago, I was high up in the air, somewhere over Canada I think, on my way to visit my sister in California. It seems kinda crazy that it’s already that long…

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WIP :: Australia Quilt

WIP :: Australia Quilt

Remember the Texas quilts I made for my niece and nephew? As soon as I finished them, I knew I wanted to make another one. For no particular reason, I decided to do Australia. It…

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WIP :: Australia Quilt

Remember the Texas quilts I made for my niece and nephew? As soon as I finished them, I knew I wanted to make another one. For no particular reason, I decided to do Australia. It…

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New Pattern :: Bird Song

New Pattern :: Bird Song

In March 2014, this pattern, Bird Song, was in Australian Homespun magazine. It was my intention to put it in my shop as well, but that just never happened. I found the embroidery yesterday when…

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