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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Festival of Quilts 2015 [Picture Heavy]

Festival of Quilts 2015 [Picture Heavy]

I have finally (!) gone through my photos from the Festival of Quilts. Which was almost seven months ago. I know, you’ve undoubtedly been waiting with bated breath for me to post these, eh? ;-)…

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Festival of Quilts 2015 [Picture Heavy]

I have finally (!) gone through my photos from the Festival of Quilts. Which was almost seven months ago. I know, you’ve undoubtedly been waiting with bated breath for me to post these, eh? ;-)…

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Book proofs!

Book proofs!

Here’s a bit of excitement on a Sunday afternoon: last week I received the proofs for my book and this afternoon I’ll be going through it with a fine tooth comb and a pink pen.…

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New Pattern :: Dancing Blooms

New Pattern :: Dancing Blooms

Happy day! Say hello to Dancing Blooms, my new embroidery pattern! I am so happy to finally have a new pattern. I think I have mentioned that it has been too very long since I…

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New Pattern :: Dancing Blooms

Happy day! Say hello to Dancing Blooms, my new embroidery pattern! I am so happy to finally have a new pattern. I think I have mentioned that it has been too very long since I…

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One Year with Blake

One Year with Blake

Yesterday was Blake’s first Gotcha day! He’s been with us a year now but you’d think he’d always been here. He owns the house and does pretty much whatever he wants. Not in a bad…

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One Year with Blake

Yesterday was Blake’s first Gotcha day! He’s been with us a year now but you’d think he’d always been here. He owns the house and does pretty much whatever he wants. Not in a bad…

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Finished Object :: Nocturne Cushions

Finished Object :: Nocturne Cushions

I can finally show you these cushions I made for my parents. Finally because I only finished them a couple of weeks ago and they are Christmas presents. *ahem* And finally because now my parents…

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&Stitches Secret Santa 2015

&Stitches Secret Santa 2015

On the &Stitches blog team we have started a tradition of a Secret Santa swap for the team members. We’ve only done it last year and the year before, but I’m already looking forward to…

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&Stitches Secret Santa 2015

On the &Stitches blog team we have started a tradition of a Secret Santa swap for the team members. We’ve only done it last year and the year before, but I’m already looking forward to…

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Bye 2015. Hello 2016.

Bye 2015. Hello 2016.

Happy New Year! It’s time to get back to work! After using my computer very little while working on the book embroideries and taking it very easy in December, I’m finding myself out of the…

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Christmas Quilt Top

Christmas Quilt Top

This quilt was supposed to be done by Christmas this year, but that didn’t happen. The top was, though. And it only took me a couple of weeks to make it. So I’m calling it…

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Christmas Quilt Top
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