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  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
  • Happy Beltane!

    Happy Beltane!
Friday Links: Sweater, Needles, Colours

Friday Links: Sweater, Needles, Colours

From a walk with Blake the other day, this gorgeous magnolia tree was in full bloom. It is so weird that magnolia, the paint colour, is such a boring colour when clearly magnolia, the flower,…

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A Third of The 100 Day Project

A Third of The 100 Day Project

I am loving my 100 day project. Loving.It. :-) The end project will be a textile book with all these pages that I am making and I can’t wait to see the finished result. But…

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A Third of The 100 Day Project

I am loving my 100 day project. Loving.It. :-) The end project will be a textile book with all these pages that I am making and I can’t wait to see the finished result. But…

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Happy Spring Equinox!

Happy Spring Equinox!

Well, belated Spring Equinox greetings, since it was a few days ago. :-) I have almost finished the Spring Equinox embroidery. It is a lot quicker than the previous motif for Imbolc. As you can…

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A Few Stitcheries

A Few Stitcheries

The 100 day project is moving along at its own pace. A bit of daily stitching. It’s nice. :-) I’m sharing my stitcheries daily in my Instagram stories (here’s the story highlight). You’re ‘supposed’ to…

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Imbolc Stitching

Imbolc Stitching

This is what my Imbolc embroidery looks like so far. To be honest, I had hoped to have finished it by now. But life and a pain in my thumb meant I had to stop…

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100 Day Project Week One

100 Day Project Week One

This past week I have been working on my 100 Day Project most days. Just adding a bit of stitching every day. I enjoyed working on this slow stitch page. No plan for the stitching,…

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100 Day Project Week One

This past week I have been working on my 100 Day Project most days. Just adding a bit of stitching every day. I enjoyed working on this slow stitch page. No plan for the stitching,…

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Recipe: Fastelavnsboller (Vegan)

Recipe: Fastelavnsboller (Vegan)

On the Sunday and Monday before Lent (and let’s be honest, for a few weeks before that) in Denmark it is customary to eat fastelavnsboller. Fastelavn is the Danish word for carnival. (I wrote a…

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New Pattern: Tulip Garden

New Pattern: Tulip Garden

Presenting: Tulip Garden! This was an absolute joy to stitch. Just two stitches: chain stitch and satin stitch. But because I used variegated thread for most of it I think it looks like there’s more…

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