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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Merry merry to you!

Merry merry to you!

Belated merry Christmas! I hope you’ve had a a lovely time with family and friends. We had a quiet Christmas Eve at home, with Tony’s parents coming here for dinner. That is pretty much our…

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Merry merry to you!

Belated merry Christmas! I hope you’ve had a a lovely time with family and friends. We had a quiet Christmas Eve at home, with Tony’s parents coming here for dinner. That is pretty much our…

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Book Review :: All Points Patchwork

Book Review :: All Points Patchwork

A lot of things have been put on the back burner while I worked on the book, among them a review of this book: All Points Patchwork by Diane Gilleland of Craftypod. Disclaimer: The publisher sent…

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Book Review :: All Points Patchwork
Follow Tiny Santa’s adventures

Follow Tiny Santa’s adventures

I started a silly advent series on Instagram, following Tiny Santa’s adventures. It was completely on a whim. On December 1 I drew a Christmas tree on our whiteboard with this tiny magnetic Santa attached…

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Follow Tiny Santa’s adventures

I started a silly advent series on Instagram, following Tiny Santa’s adventures. It was completely on a whim. On December 1 I drew a Christmas tree on our whiteboard with this tiny magnetic Santa attached…

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Exploring ceramics at the V&A

Exploring ceramics at the V&A

On Sunday I was supposed to go to the monthly meeting of the London Modern Quilt Guild, but my train into London was delayed by quite a lot. So instead of arriving super late and…

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Exploring ceramics at the V&A
Treasures of the button kind

Treasures of the button kind

A little while ago my mum sent me these. Embroidered decorations from pillow cases. My mum made atleast one of them – I can’t remember right now who made the rest. Aren’t they pretty? Not…

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Sneak peek

Sneak peek

Hi, how are you? This is a little sneak peek at some of what I have been busy stitching the past few months. I’m working on a book so a lot (lot lot!) of my…

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Finished Project :: Hexie Mini Quilt

Finished Project :: Hexie Mini Quilt

Remember when I took part in the blog hop for All Points Patchwork? I’d got the project wrong at first, so I was hexie-ing along nicely when I realised that it was supposed to be…

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When Love Speaks :: Stitch Improv

When Love Speaks :: Stitch Improv

This is another ‘stitch improv’ piece I am working on. It has a wee snippet of a Shakespeare quote on it. “When love sings”. Right now I can’t remember where exactly it’s from. I guess…

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When Love Speaks :: Stitch Improv

This is another ‘stitch improv’ piece I am working on. It has a wee snippet of a Shakespeare quote on it. “When love sings”. Right now I can’t remember where exactly it’s from. I guess…

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