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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Old shirts – new purpose

Old shirts – new purpose

What do you do with clothes when they can no longer serve their intended purpose? Obviously, if we discard them because we don’t like them anymore or they don’t fit, but are still in usable…

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Finished Object :: Crochet Blanket

Finished Object :: Crochet Blanket

This blanket has been in a bag in a semi kinda – not – really finished state for…I don’t even know how long. It was in that bag when we moved almost two years ago…

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Finished Object :: Crochet Blanket
Embroidery on Essex linen

Embroidery on Essex linen

What kind of fabric do you embroider on? I mainly stitch on white (and sometimes coloured) cotton fabric I buy in Denmark. Occasionally I’ll stitch on Kona cotton too. But the fabric from Denmark is…

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Lace and old buttons

Lace and old buttons

My parents visited us this weekend – they were here for my birthday yesterday which was lovely. And which doesn’t happen very often as you can probably imagine. My mum brought me these pretties. They…

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Pink blossom clouds

Pink blossom clouds

Our blossom tree is in bloom. So pretty. About two years ago when we went to see the house for the first time, the tree was in bloom too. I’m not saying that it was…

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Pink blossom clouds

Our blossom tree is in bloom. So pretty. About two years ago when we went to see the house for the first time, the tree was in bloom too. I’m not saying that it was…

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Unhappy studio floor — the sequel

Unhappy studio floor — the sequel

Remember the soggy studio floor? Well, it got pretty bad. So bad that I didn’t want to use it. We moved my desk to the conservatory and I’ve been using that as my sewing room.…

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Mini Log Cabin Quilt

Mini Log Cabin Quilt

A wee wonky log cabin quilt I made for Nicole as a birthday present. Happy birthday! I like making wonky log cabin blocks. They are the perfect way to use up small precious scraps and…

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Materials you need for embroidery

Materials you need for embroidery

With the Mini Embellishment Club starting soon, I thought I’d go through the basic materials you need to get started. You don’t need much! Unless you become a thread/fabric/hoop hoarder. It happens… ;-) Anyway, this…

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