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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
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    Summer Slow Stitching Project
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    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
What’s in a craftblog name?

What’s in a craftblog name?

Confession: For a long while I wasn’t happy with the name of my blog. Carina’s Craftblog. Ack. So boring. It didn’t feel very memorable or like a brand that people associate with this thing or…

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#VATMESS 2015 – Urgent: Write to your finance minister!

#VATMESS 2015 – Urgent: Write to your finance minister!

Now, something may be happening which is hopefully a step in the right direction. The UK PM, David Cameron, will be discussing this issue with the president of the EU Commission. Which is really great…

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WIP :: Quilt in Happy Colours

WIP :: Quilt in Happy Colours

I don’t think I shared this quilt that I’m working on. Except for maybe a photo via Instagram. It’s so easy to share things on Instagram, sometimes I forget to blog those little snaps of…

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WIP :: Quilt in Happy Colours

I don’t think I shared this quilt that I’m working on. Except for maybe a photo via Instagram. It’s so easy to share things on Instagram, sometimes I forget to blog those little snaps of…

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In Print :: Fat Quarters. Small Fabrics, More Than 50 Big Ideas

In Print :: Fat Quarters. Small Fabrics, More Than 50 Big Ideas

I received some very nice post on Saturday: my contributor’s copy of Fat Quarters: Small Fabrics, 50 Big Ideas from Lark Crafts. It seems like absolutely ages ago that I made my project for this…

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In Print :: Fat Quarters. Small Fabrics, More Than 50 Big Ideas

I received some very nice post on Saturday: my contributor’s copy of Fat Quarters: Small Fabrics, 50 Big Ideas from Lark Crafts. It seems like absolutely ages ago that I made my project for this…

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Finished Project :: Time Warp Bag

Finished Project :: Time Warp Bag

Last week I carved out some time to make myself a new bag. And I’m so glad I did. Because it is the nicest bag I have ever made. I have made bags before, but…

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Finished Project :: Time Warp Bag

Last week I carved out some time to make myself a new bag. And I’m so glad I did. Because it is the nicest bag I have ever made. I have made bags before, but…

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Stitching Elizabeth

Stitching Elizabeth

Hi friends. Happy Monday. Things have been kinda quiet here lately. Life has managed to get in the way, I guess. Having Blake in our lives has been a bit of a transition, but we’re…

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Screen print and stitching

Screen print and stitching

Since last summer I have been thinking about something new. When I tried screen printing at the Fat Quarterly Retreat I was hooked and not a week has gone by where I haven’t thought about…

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This is Blake

This is Blake

It’s been kinda quiet here and this is why: we got a dog! His name is Blake and he’s a Jack Russell Terrier cross. Not exactly sure what the cross part is. He is from…

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