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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Finished Object :: Cloud Quilt

Finished Object :: Cloud Quilt

I finished my Cloud Quilt, woohoo! I am soooo happy with it. SO happy! I had the idea for the Cloud Quilt almost a year ago (wow, that long!) I really enjoyed making this quilt.…

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Finished Object :: Cloud Quilt

I finished my Cloud Quilt, woohoo! I am soooo happy with it. SO happy! I had the idea for the Cloud Quilt almost a year ago (wow, that long!) I really enjoyed making this quilt.…

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Our house :: Porch makeover

Our house :: Porch makeover

Continuing with the house redecorating projects. This is a couple of before shots of the porch in our house. I don’t have a shot that shows all of it in its before state so you’ll…

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Our house :: Porch makeover

Continuing with the house redecorating projects. This is a couple of before shots of the porch in our house. I don’t have a shot that shows all of it in its before state so you’ll…

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Book :: Mollie Makes Embroidery

Book :: Mollie Makes Embroidery

Have you heard about the new Mollie Makes: Embroidery? I have a project in it, yay! A couple of weeks ago I received my contributor copy and I gotta say, this book is pretty great.…

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Book :: Mollie Makes Embroidery

Have you heard about the new Mollie Makes: Embroidery? I have a project in it, yay! A couple of weeks ago I received my contributor copy and I gotta say, this book is pretty great.…

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Family :: Connections and inspirations

Family :: Connections and inspirations

A couple of things I brought home from Denmark. My farmor’s (paternal grandmother) scissors and a butter dish from my parents. Those scissors. I have very vivid memories of watching farmor using them. And I…

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Family :: Connections and inspirations

A couple of things I brought home from Denmark. My farmor’s (paternal grandmother) scissors and a butter dish from my parents. Those scissors. I have very vivid memories of watching farmor using them. And I…

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Cloud fabric list

Cloud fabric list

As of last Sunday evening, my Cloud Quilt is finished!! Yay! I am so happy with it. So so happy. I went out and took some pictures of it today, you know all quilt blogger-artsy…

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New embroidery pattern : : Flower Crown Reverie

New embroidery pattern : : Flower Crown Reverie

This is my latest pattern: Flower Crown Reverie. The pattern is less fancy than maybe the title suggests. I kept thinking of flower crowns while I was stitching it, so that name kind of stuck.…

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New embroidery pattern : : Flower Crown Reverie

This is my latest pattern: Flower Crown Reverie. The pattern is less fancy than maybe the title suggests. I kept thinking of flower crowns while I was stitching it, so that name kind of stuck.…

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Stitch tutorial :: Granito stitch

Stitch tutorial :: Granito stitch

Today I want to show you how to do the granito stitch. The name means ‘little grain’ and  that is exactly what it looks like. If you make a larger stitch, it looks more like…

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Our house :: Bedroom makeover part 2

Our house :: Bedroom makeover part 2

Above is what the bedroom looked like on the day we moved in. In part 1 we ripped everything out of the bedroom and built it back up again. Then it was time for the…

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Our house :: Bedroom makeover part 2

Above is what the bedroom looked like on the day we moved in. In part 1 we ripped everything out of the bedroom and built it back up again. Then it was time for the…

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