Big this Month

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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
One birthday in four photos

One birthday in four photos

I had a lovely, super relaxing birthday on Saturday. :-) Flowers from Tony. Presents of the fabric kind! I spent the afternoon finishing the Cloud quilt top. Bliss. Cake made by Tony. Check out the…

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Flowers in 3D

Flowers in 3D

Some 3D-ish embroidered flowers I have been stitching on and off for the past month. I just drew it freehand on the fabric and started stitching. I ended up doing all different stitches for each…

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Stitch tutorial: Fly stitch

Stitch tutorial: Fly stitch

I meant to post this tutorial for fly stitch when I posted about the Parterre de l’Eau pattern. Because fly stitch is used quite a lot in that pattern. The wavy lines? Fly stitch! I…

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Fabric collage with thistle

Fabric collage with thistle

This is another freeform, appliqué fabric collage type thing… Again with no plan for what to put on it. I have a bag with different bits and bobs that I pull stuff from: ribbon, buttons,…

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Fabric collage with thistle

This is another freeform, appliqué fabric collage type thing… Again with no plan for what to put on it. I have a bag with different bits and bobs that I pull stuff from: ribbon, buttons,…

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Recipe: Dauphinoise potatoes – vegan

Recipe: Dauphinoise potatoes – vegan

One of the things I really missed when I first became vegan was Dauphinoise potatoes (or potato gratin), ‘coz that’s made with cream and I hadn’t yet gone exploring all the various vegan dairy options.…

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New pattern: Parterre de l’Eau

New pattern: Parterre de l’Eau

Hi! Happy April! Can I just be totally honest and say I’m freaking out slightly because it’s APRIL already. How did that happen? Freaking out aside: it’s new pattern time. Yes! Ages ago I made…

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The magic tulip

The magic tulip

A couple of weeks ago I bought a big bouquet of tulips. The first of the year! They were this amazing combination of red, yellow and white. There were enough of the tulips to split…

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Tutorial: Joining Fabric Hexagons

Tutorial: Joining Fabric Hexagons

This is part two in a mini series on making fabric hexagons. You can find part one right here. :-) Put two hexagons together, with right sides facing each other, lining them up at two…

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