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  • Happy Autumn Equinox

    Happy Autumn Equinox
  • Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Summer Slow Stitching Project
  • Happy Summer Solstice

    Happy Summer Solstice
  • New Pattern: Forgotten Garden

    New Pattern: Forgotten Garden
Monday dose of pink

Monday dose of pink

I have been working on this seed stitch wrap for a little while. And it’s going quite well. Better than I thought it would to be honest with you. A month ago I’d finished the…

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Knitting & Stitching Show

Knitting & Stitching Show

Yesterday I hopped on a bus, a train, a London Overground train, two tubes and another bus to get to Alexandra Palace for the Knitting & Stitching Show. It was totally worth it! It was…

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Knitting & Stitching Show
Woven picot experiment

Woven picot experiment

Something I’m working on from time to time. It’s not supposed to be anything in particular, I just wanted to try the woven picot stitch. Which is a most excellent stitch, because it’s in 3D!…

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September via Instagram

September via Instagram

We’re almost a week into! These are some of my Instagram photos from September.. In September we spent quite a bit of time at the local dump, getting rid of stuff from the house.…

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Cloudy quilt

Cloudy quilt

Clouds. I am a big fan of them. In fact, I’m even a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society. A little bit geeky, perhaps. But what is life without whimsy, eh? The other an idea struck…

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Forgotten quilt blocks

Forgotten quilt blocks

The lovely things you find when tidying… the other day I was sorting my fabric stash and I found all these quilt ‘blocks’ I made a few years ago. I had kinda forgotten that I…

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Some projects are great. Some projects are faaavourites!

Some projects are great. Some projects are faaavourites!

I like all the projects in Stitched Blooms, of course. But you know, some of them are just my faaaaavourites. ;-) And this is one of those favourites. It’s a baby quilt, but it can…

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Some projects are great. Some projects are faaavourites!

I like all the projects in Stitched Blooms, of course. But you know, some of them are just my faaaaavourites. ;-) And this is one of those favourites. It’s a baby quilt, but it can…

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Love and thoughts in stitched form

Love and thoughts in stitched form

This is one of the projects from Stitched Blooms, a set of botanical art inspired embroideries. The flowers I chose for these are hibiscus, daisy and rose. They represent three places: Hawaii, England and Denmark.…

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