Well, most of the things I’m making at the moment are firsts…
Anyway, this is my first apron. And I’m mighty proud of it. Not only because it’s a first and it turned out pretty good (heck, even my mum thought so!), but especially because it is the apron I’ve always wanted!
See, the bottom part is made from a towel. Which is great because it’s very handy (pardon the pun) for drying my hands. The top part is made from an old quilt cover from IKEA. How great that one of the colours in that is almost the same as the towel!
I love the colours and the checkered pattern, it goves it sort of a retro or cottage-y feel.
I’ve actually been bugging my mum for ages to make an apron like this for me, but she never got round to it. Well, now I have my own sewing machine and can make these things myself…