There’s this nifty thing called the Pincushion Challenge – and I dig pincushion so I had to join it! The theme for May was fruit, and I thought I didn’t want to do an apple or a strawberry or whatever – too easy, too obvious.
So I did a bit of research into what is actually a fruit and I decided on these two: the Carambola (aka Star fruit) and the Pitaya. I’d never heard of a Pitaya before (although I think I must have seen them..just didn’t know the name).
They are made of felt with a bit of embroidery on the carambola. The green colour on the carambola and the triangles of the pitaya is actually a bit of food dye diluted with water and then painted on the wool.
I’ve had these almost-done for a couple of weeks. Almost-done because I couldn’t decide how to finish the carambola. But finished it is now.