I’ve had the idea of decorating this cup kicking around for a while. Yesterday I finally did it! I didn’t have a design in mind, so I’m glad it turned out quite well!

It’s my mum’s cup. Why do I have then, you might wonder. Well, we only have mugs, but my mum prefers drinking her coffee from a cup, so last year we got her one in IKEA. Plain white. Very nice. But to me, white is just begging to be decorated! ;-)

‘Mors kop’ = mum’s cup. I hope she likes it.

It’s a fun thing to do and will make your porcelain unique! Also, I think it might be a nice project for kids to do. Not that I would know, I have no kids. ;-)
I hope you’re having a nice weekend. We went round Tony’s parents’ for lunch and sat in their garden in the shade. Lovely. I want a garden!