You probably had no idea that I like to make granny squares for no particular reason, huh? Well, I do. It is a lovely way to while away a few minutes, playing with some lovely yarn.
But look at this swell ‘meme’ started by Pip of Meet Me at Mikes: A Granny A Day. It is exactly what it says on the tin – you make one granny each day from now until the end of May. With no specific outcome in mind, I believe, so this is the perfect retro-fitted reason for me to make even more granny squares for no reason. Except that now I do have a reason! Perfect, huh?! Although…I am not sure I can actually limit myself to just one a day. ;-)
If you fancy playing along, there’s a Flickr group you can join. And you can read Pip’s post about it right here.
These are my first three: