Hey! Happy Summer Solstice!
..I feel like I’m still playing catch-up after our trip to Denmark.. things to do, emails to write, projects to work on. Luckily, there wasn’t much washing to do, so that’s a good thing! ;-)
Do not be surprised if a few Denmark related posts pop up… I’m missing it! So if you’ll indulge me a bit… ;-)

The photos in this post are all from my parents’ garden. Since we don’t have a garden ourselves I jump at the chance (i.e. go a little crazy!) to take pictures of some pretty green things. Or pretty colourful things as the case may be.. The top three photos are flowers in the hedge around their garden; I don’t know what it is called. But it blooms at the end of May/early June so it reminds me of the start of summer…

This sun dial used to be in my grand parents’ garden. But when they moved to a flat to be closer to their children, it came to live in my parents’ garden..