Wow, I really wasn’t expecting the reaction I got on the post about pålægschokolade! Sounds like it’s unanimous that pålægschokolade is a Good Thing – even to those who’ve never tried it. In your face, Tony (who thinks it’s weird and kinda.. gross. What?!) ;-)
Right, so I thought the only decent thing to do is to tell you where you can get your hands on some pålægschokolade! But I can’t be held accountable for availability or the correctness of this information in all perpetuity. Nor indeed for anyone who becomes addicted to pålægschokolade! ;-)
There are two main brands of pålægschokolade, Toms and Galle & Jessen. Both are owned by the same company. There are also smaller producers of pålægschokolade, for example organic ones, but it’s probably not likely that you’ll be able to find those. But do leave a link in the comments if you know where it’s available!
I prefer the Galle & Jessen dark pålægschokolade. The milk chocolate variety just doesn’t have enough ‘contrast’ to the bread. Galle & Jessen is also better value because it’s usually sold as a double pack. Or even triple pack!
If you know of other places that sell pålægschokolade, online or in s brick and mortar shop, do leave a link in the comments.
Hjemve.dk – Will ship pretty much anywhere in the world. Website is in Danish
Galle & Jessen Pålægschokolade
Dark — Milk
Scandinavian Kitchen – Only has shipping information for the UK. Website is in English. They also have a cafe/shop in 61 Great Titchfield Street in London (not that far from Oxford Circus, going up Regent Street)
Toms Chokoladepålæg
Dark — Milk
Danish food shop – Ship anywhere. Based in the UK but products are shipped from Denmark. Website is in English.
Galle & Jessen Pålægschokolade
Dark — Milk
scandinavianbutik – Only has shipping information for US. Website is in English.
Toms Chokoladepålæg
Dark — Milk
Goodmorning, is it posible to send the chocoate to Mallorca, Spain ?
and what price does it have?
I’m afraid that is impossible for me to answer. I don’t sell pålægschokolade. You will have to contact somewhere that sells it. Try https://www.scandikitchen.co.uk/product/galle-jessen-palaegschokolade-mork-2-pack-216g/ – they also have a plain version.
Hi Carina.
It is also possible to buy pålægschokolade at http://www.danmarkmedposten.dk. I send danish goods to all over the world.
Thank you for the link!
Tak Bettina! :-)
People can send me a direct message in our webshop, for Belgium & Holland and other countries in Europa.
Kind regards, Evert Jan
Great to know, thank you! :-)