It’s been hot here in the UK for the past few days. Like, proper summer hot! Ourflar gets really hot, so yesterday I got up early and got a train to Tony’s parents’ so I could get out of the flat for the day.
I was there all on my lonesome because they’re on holiday – but I don’t mond being alone.. I’m an introvert after all! ;-)
So I spent the day in their garden, barefooted, yay! Did a bit of drawing and embroidering. And took pictures of the flowers in their garden…
I love flowers.. and I wish I were better at keeping them alive..! And I also wish I were better at remembering flower names. Like these ones…apart from dahlia and fuchsia I haven’t got a clue. So if you can tell me the names I’d be grateful! :-)

I love to see a fuchsia just about to go pop. I've got some at exactly the same stage as your picture.
I'm not too good with flower names apart from the very common ones. The small ones below the fuchsia pic are lobelia and I recognise a dahlia but that is about it