It’s funny.. when you give yourself permission to do nothing.. all of a sudden there’s this energy that means you get lots done. I’m not sure how that works…?! :-)
There’s been a bit of tidying and doing some shop maintenance etc… I thought you might be interested in some of the things.
I’ve made the calendar panels available in the shop already, although I haven’t actually received them yet..! But I thought some might like to claim theirs early. There are two versions, colour and grey. You can use the calendar in many different ways. Put it in a frame (my mum did that with the 2012 calendar, yay mum!) as it is. Stitch over all the lines (the grey one will be particularly good for this I think!), stitch over some of the lines, do some fill stitching. Maybe add some beads or buttons. I also thought that you could appliqué something in the circle where it says ‘2013’.
After much thinking about it, I have decided to close the ‘Artfire branch’ of Polka & Bloom operations, so everything is 20% off over there. Patterns and ebooks. The prices are already reduced so you don’t even have to enter a code. Unless of course you want an extra 10% off? In that case enter the code AUFWIEDERSEHEN at checkout. The Artfire shop closes at the end of this month, so get on over there to get a bargain! :-)