In September I made a small quilt top. Maybe you remember it? But then I decided that it wasn’t large enough to be of much use. So I took it apart, sort of, so I could add some more rows to make it twice the size.
By the time we went to Denmark, the quilt was ready to have the binding sewn on – I actually had the crazy idea of taking the quilt and sewing on the binding en route! But imagine having a quilt, although modestly sized, on your lap and sewing it; maybe it would flop around and hit Tony while he was driving. Yeah, not good. Also, stitching while in a moving car usually equals motion sickness, which is less than ideal when the drive takes somewhere around 16 hours!
So, that idea was ditched! ;-)

I quilted the quilt by tying it. It is my faaaavourite way of doing the quilting! It’s quick and it’s very discrete. I’m not a big fan of loads of quilting lines. I prefer to see the fabrics, not the sewing…
This quilt is only my second ‘large’ quilt where I’ve used batting and a proper binding and stuff – I’ve only ever made tiny quilts with batting before. The first large quilt is one I made for my book. So if you buy my book when it’s out, you’ll get to see me pretend like I know all about quilting. Sort of. Or not. ;-)

This quilt is also the second one where I’ve used mitered corners. That used to be quite a mystery to me, but now it seems fairly straightforward… Imagine that!

Oh I do like that turquoise print with the mushrooms! And my own wonky dots design next to it.. :-)

The back is a mix of some blue-ish fabrics which aren’t my favouritest ever. I like them, but not enough to put ’em on the front. That makes sense, right?

I used a mix of my own designs, a couple from Flower*Press, Japanese cottons, fabric from Denmark, vintage fabric and even one of Tony’s old shirts! I love using ‘old’ clothing in quilts. It’s nice that they can get a second life after their usefulness as clothing has ended. :-)

That's lovely. I'm going to have a go at quilting over Christmas.