Two weeks ago we drove through these gates for the very last time. Because we’ve accomplished our big dream, our big goal for 2013: to move from our one bedroom flat to a house. And Boy George, we did it!!

We got the keys to the house on Tuesday (probably five pounds worth of keys, there were sooo many, you wouldn’t believe it!) Tuesday we cleaned the house and the last couple of days we’ve moved all our belongings into the house. Moving in this hot weather has been.. interesting. But I guess it’s a free facial, because all the sweating opens up all the pores in the skin. Sorry.. a bit too much information..? ;-)
We’ve had everything stored in Tony’s parents’ house/garage for the past two weeks. And we’ve been living there as well.
Our garden is completely overgrown; the house has been empty for a few months. I look forward to getting that under some kind of control. But first we need to get the house in order.

At the moment there are moving boxes etc filling up the living room and part of the kitchen, as well as the conservatory. There are some in my studio as well.

My studio! I have a room where I can work and make a mess and not make a mess in the living room like I had to in the flat. It’s a dream come true. I can’t wait to get it all set up and start working there. With the door open into the garden.
The original plan was to find a three bedroom house and then I’d use one bedroom as my studio. Being able to have three bedrooms AND a studio. I feel so so happy. And I don’t think it’s fully sunk in yet.
Now we just have to unpack the gazillion boxes of stuff that somehow fitted into our flat and now makes the house look like it’s going to burst!