Clouds. I am a big fan of them. In fact, I’m even a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society. A little bit geeky, perhaps. But what is life without whimsy, eh?
The other an idea struck me, like a total light bulb moment a lightning strike. I have to make a cloud quilt! A quilt made solely with cloud fabrics. Yes! Awesome!
And then I went through my fabric (or the selection I have access to at the moment). Erm yes, I may be just a few water molecules short of a cloud quilt. Because this is the sum total of my cloud fabric collection. And I haven’t got any other ones in storage.

Well, it was the sum total. Then I saw this post on the Chasing Hygge blog and I was on the phone to my mum in 10 seconds flat: you gotta buy me some of this fabric!!
Even with these new additions, it could take a while before this quilt will begin to take shape. So! I was wondering if you could help me? I want to compile a list of fabric designs that have mainly clouds in them, so I can start slowly, slowly putting together a collection.
Love a cloud fabric? Got a link? Or just a name? Please let me know in the comments. :-) Thank you!!!