Happy quilting obsessed people. That’s what last weekend was about at the Fat Quarterly Retreat. Too much fun. ;-)
And a delicious goodie bag with pretties from Moda Fabrics, Riley Blake Designs, Makower, Dashwood Studios, Soak, and Korbond.
Oh but wait! I don’t think I actually mentioned that I was going to FQR this year – if you were there and I missed you, I’m sorry! I wasn’t supposed to go this year, but on a whim I entered a competition in a recent issue of Love Quilting & Patchwork magazine and don’t you know, I friggin’ won! I never win nuthin’, so maybe I was the only one who entered?! ;-) Anyway, thank you LQ&P for this unexpected gift!

All the workshops were great, but my favourite was screen printing with Karen Lewis of Blueberry Park. I have a few books about screen printing, but they are all using fancy materials that are either costly or require a lot of space, so I’ve never actually tried it. But in this workshop we used some almost household items so screen printing seems a lot more achievable.
I could easily have spent all day printing any available flat surface! I’m definitely going to have a screen printing day in the near future. You know I love Spoonflower, but to print fabric with my own two hands, that’s just awesome. :-)
Karen has written a book called Screen Printing at Home and I am definitely going to add it to my collection at some point. :-)

This is from the last workshop I took, making a quilt top from Amy Smart’s book Fabulously Fast Quilts – and it was taught by Amy as well. The small squares in her example quilt top were from Denyse Schmidt’s new fabric line, Hadley. I didn’t have fabric envy at.all. ;-)
I didn’t finish any of the projects in the workshops, but that’s fine. The best thing about the workshops are all the little tips and tricks you pick up from the teachers – and the other participants! I’m not a very experienced quilter so there’s lots to learn and everyone does things differently which is really interesting.
All in all a great weekend, with nice people, lots to learn and hot-hot weather, phew! Thank you to all the FQR crew for an inspiring weekend!
*Book links are Amazon affiliate links, yo!