Above is what the bedroom looked like on the day we moved in. In part 1 we ripped everything out of the bedroom and built it back up again. Then it was time for the part that is a bit more fun: decorating. There were many discussions about colours because Tony and I don’t have the same tastes. Decorating is an exercise in compromise. ;-)

A wee plan of the bedroom – I think that makes the photos below make a bit more sense.

:1: Looking towards the door to the landing. This wall, and the bit of wall that snakes around the corner with the door is painted a darker colour than the rest of the walls. Just to give the room a bit of a contrast.
The bed is new – well, we got it about a year ago, so technically it’s not new any longer.. ;-) I really like it. It reminds me of a Torii gate. And it has sort of inspired the decor for the bedroom. Keeping things very simple with a bit of a Japanese Zen feel I guess you could call it.
Oh and that lamp on the bedside table? It’s one of those where you just touch the base and it switches on. It’s like magic. I love it. :-D

:2: We don’t have any wardrobes in the bedroom at the moment, not sure that we ever will. The bedroom isn’t terribly large. Although, hopefully one day we will get rid of the chimney breast cupboard and then we’d have room for wardrobes.
This angle is the same as in the before picture at the top. What a difference, huh?

Here you can see the difference in wall colour. If I remember correctly, the darker one is called Choc Milkshake and the lighter one is Malt Chocolate. You can’t go wrong with chocolate! They are neutral but still have a bit of warmth to them.
We wanted something neutral for most of the walls, but there was no way I’d let any form of magnolia colour into our house. Really dislike it. And why is it called magnolia anyway? Most magnolia flowers I have seen are nothing like the usually pale-pale yellowish colour of the same name. Ugh. No thanks.
Maybe it’s surprising that the bedroom is so neutral what with my love of colour, but I don’t think I could have lots of bold colours in my bedroom. It’s for sleeping in, after all. I want it to feel calming, relaxing. I think we definitely achieved that.
Actually, when I need to brain storm ideas or write things that require complete focus, I will usually go and sit in the bedroom because it’s so peaceful. There are no distractions. :-)

Here you can see the doors to the chimney breast cupboard. We still need to paint them. *ahem* But it’s still miles better than what was there before.

Tony likes dragons so they slip into the house here and there. I kinda like them too, so I’m ok with that. In fact, I made that clay dragon tile about 20 years ago and I am so happy that I still have it. And the dragons go well with the Japanese feel, eh. :-)
I must admit that I have mixed feelings about the windows in our house. I kinda like the pattern on them, but I also kinda don’t like it. Although the strips are thin, they do steal a bit of light and sometimes I get a bit fed up looking at the world through a criss-cross pattern.

Oh hello, another dragon. And a print we bought on our honeymoon in Rome. It will go on the wall some day, but I kinda like it standing on the floor…
So there you have it, that’s our bedroom! :-)