Hi friends. Happy Monday. Things have been kinda quiet here lately. Life has managed to get in the way, I guess. Having Blake in our lives has been a bit of a transition, but we’re all settling into the new routine.
Speaking of routine. For the past month, Tony has been home because he took voluntary redundancy from his old job. But today he started in his new job, yay! As nice it’s been, having him home and spending more time with him, it’s also been kinda distracting. We’ve been doing stuff around the house and Tony watches a lot more TV than I do, but once it’s on.. I sometimes would get sucked into watching it too.
But one of our house projects should help prevent that in future: we turned the third bedroom into an office for me. Which is very, very good. Because it reduces distractions. At the moment there is just the desk in there, so I have no choice but get on with some work. Although I’m sure I’ll fill with stuff soon enough.
Getting the computer out of the living room will hopefully force me to finish my work at a reasonable time and not keep working in the evening. Because that kinda happened a lot before. ;-)

I’ve not done much embroidery in the past month or so but a couple of weeks ago I started a new embroidery just for fun. Just for me. It kinda feels like a new direction… I’ve visited the Tudors exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery a few times and this embroidery is based on a sketch I’ve done there. It’s Elizabeth I. in case you didn’t recognise her. ;-)
You can follow my stitchy process on Instagram – I even gave her a hashtag: #stitchymisslizzie. I’ve had several people ask if it will be a pattern. That wasn’t my plan at all to start with, but I think I will make it as a pattern. Especially since I have a bunch of ideas for other people it would be fun to stitch. So watch this space if you want to stitch some Tudor peeps too. :-)