In Print :: Doodle Stitching – The Holiday Motif Collection

Ohh, much excitement! Last week I received my copy of this book: Doodle Stitching – The Holiday Motif Collection* by Aimee Ray. The book is full of lots of holiday inspired motifs and projects.

I have a project in the book. Here, look:

It was a really fun project to work on. I had the idea for this wreath design – it was a tiny little 1″ sketch! And Aimee turned it into this cute wreath o’ parcels. I know, Christmas seems so far away, but you’ve got to start early if you want to make stitchy things for your peeps!

The parcel wreath kinda goes with my Gingerbread Christmas Joy pattern. That’s a wreath too! :-)

Ok, enough Christmas stuff.

*Amazon UK affiliate link. 


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