This is another ‘stitch improv’ piece I am working on. It has a wee snippet of a Shakespeare quote on it. “When love sings”. Right now I can’t remember where exactly it’s from. I guess I should look it up. Anyone know where it’s from?

I like adding various 3D elements. And little treasures. That’s how I think of them anyway. Bits of lace, beads and so on. It all adds to the story of the piece. What the story is..well, that’s up to interpretation.
This piece will also have a little hidden secret. That scrap of Liberty fabric will be stitched down, so it will hide the heart. So you won’t know it’s there, unless you’re in on the secret. :-)

I am still working on this, but eventually it will be in my shop. Maybe next week. Possibly with a couple of other pieces. :-)